Thursday, May 28, 2009

A contest of sorts

My husband politely reminded me yesterday that it has been a week since my last blog. It is true, I am slipping. Not for a bad reason though, I just don't really have any new news to report - especially since I won't be weighing in until next Monday. Memorial Day weekend was not so good on the food or exercise front, however I didn't do too bad. I know I went over my 1200 calories per day, however I don't think I went that far over. There was virtually no exercising other than a 15 minute wog (walk/jog) on Saturday. I had to stop after 15 minutes because I was having some issues with my right shoulder and it hurt to move it at all. I didn't obsess about my not-so-great weekend though, I just got right back to it this week. I am trying to keep my calories between 1000 and 1200 and I did an hour of aerobics last night and will go again tonight. I really pushed myself last night. They have variations on about everything that lets you work out at a low or high impact. Essentially the difference is how much you are jumping and moving. You can simply do stepping or you can do hopping. I try to push myself and do as much high impact as possible and it showed with my sweating last night! I bet I burned at least 500 calories during the hour and I felt absolutely wonderful when I was finished. I told Jason last night that the first time I went to the class I was embarrassed about how much I was sweating - I think I sweat more than most people, and my face gets really red very quickly when I am hot, I think it has something to do with blood vessels or something - anyway, I was embarrassed but then I told myself that sweating is good, and why pay the money to half-ass it? If I don't push myself to the point that it hurts, then I am not going to lose the weight I want to. Not to mention, the harder you push yourself, the stronger you will become - and not just physically.

I had an idea for a post today because I didn't think I had anything else to blog about today, hence the title of this post. So, without further ado, the "contest." As you know, I have not weighed myself since May 1 and I am scheduled to weigh in on Monday. I have absolutely no idea how the numbers on the scale will look. My question to you is - how many pounds do you think I have shed this month? Leave me a comment with the number you think it will be, and there will be some sort of prize for you. I am not exactly sure what that prize will be yet, but it will be something. And, since I don't know the answer yet either, I am eligible to win as well :) My guess is 7.4 pounds.